Sunday, 15 June 2008

tutpup - online learning

Stumbled across this excellent site after reading an article about it on Ewan McIntosh's Blog.

Basically it is a game site that asks children mental maths questions and how to spell words.

What I like is the competitive nature of the site, since you don't play by yourself you compete with other children on the site. The children score points based on how well they do, what is great is that you can play children from all over the world, basically anyone who is logged in.

The site is very secure the only information you see is the login that the children use. The site itself collects only a very small amount of information about the child, date of birth and country. If you create a school account the children will need that as well or they just put in their parents email address and within 7 days their parents must respond or the account is frozen.

The school account allows you to track those in your class and see what games they have been playing and how they are doing.

This is a very interesting alternative to using DS's and Doctor Kawashima's Brain Training. Next year I will be looking into this in more detail.

Check it out.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Roding 4th June - Notes and Links

Windows Movie Maker

Search on youtube for movie maker and you will get loads more.

Where does the Literacy Frameworks make expicit refernce to video and audio use...
In Year 5


Unit 2 - Myths and Legends
Record the groups' retelling of the legend using microphones, digital sound recorders or video cameras so that they can be reviewed and evaluated.

Unit 6 - Dramic Conventions
Establish the form of presentation, for example a performance of the script to be recorded using a form of ICT (consider use of a recording format that would allow children to save their own and others' presentations onto portable music players).
Children present their scripts either in performance or through a recording and evaluate their own performance and that of others.


Unit 2 - Reports
Demonstrate or model the use of note-taking in interviews to prepare the teams. Emphasise the distinction between quotations and reported speech (refer to earlier activities). Consider the use of digital sound recorders to assist children in carrying out their interviews.

The presentation can be a newspaper report, radio report, TV report, for example using video cameras with simple digital editing programs, magazine article, e-report or web page (consider hyperlinking from or to the school website). Possibly compile group recounts into a class newspaper, TV-style news programme, etc.


Unit 2 - Narrative Poems
Give children time to rehearse and polish their freeze-frames, recording them digitally for later use.

Allow the groups time to explore the poem and select stanzas for performance. It may be appropriate to place children's dramatic images into presentation software to support children's decision-making process. Allow children to practise, record and listen to their oral performances in order to evaluate and improve them.

Unit 3 - Perfomance Poems
A simple digital video camera, which itself can be operated by children, provides an excellent way of recording and reviewing children's own live performances, and ICT media, such as pod casting, can provide a wider audience for such performances.

There are other places where it is not explicit but can we worked in.
Narrative - Unit 5 Film Narrative - Create photo slideshows or even movies
Non-Fiction - Unit 3 - Persuasion - Create your own adverts

Links -Make your own Dr Who Trailers - Make your own Star Wars Trailers - Choose windows format - mpg
ICT applications - Primary Frameworks
Easi-Speak Microphone - edit videos online - Edit pictutres online. - list of web 2.0 sites.

SEE Sidebar for ICT applications guide and Teachers guide to ICT skills needed in Literacy.